Just another day

>> Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Do I really need to explain myself to anyone?

If people have wrong perceptions about me, do I need to correct them? And even if I do, will it make difference to them or me?

Just because I choose to ignore most of the silly and immature comments made by the general junta round me, does that really give them a right to say whatever they feel like saying no matter what the other person feels? And do they really care about the explanations that I give?

These and other questions bothered me today. And then I decided, that it was futile to ruminate on the same things and lose my peace of mind in the bargain. Because those people are at this momenet probably sleeping peacefully after having had the peverse pleasure of saying nasty things and seeing me all wound up and angry and irritated and being very proud of the fact because they consider themselves to be very outright and honet.

Hence I'm going to behave very normally tomorrow as if nothing has happened so that they can again comment on how thick skinned/dumb I am.