What am I?

>> Monday, October 08, 2007

I think that I am totally useless.

I can’t sing
I can’t dance
I can’t play a musical instrument
I don’t play any sport
I can’t paint
I’m not good at wisecracks
I’m an introvert
I’m not a good talker
I don’t follow cricket that regularly
I rarely watch TV except of the advertisements sometimes
I don’t bowl, play chess, scrabble,tennis,football,anything
I can’t swim
I don’t like to eat
I can’t cook
I’m not good looking (I’m cute/pretty but not good-looking)
I don’t have a great sense of dressing
I can’t speak about any topic in depth (I do read a lot but am not a master of anything)
I hate taking favors from anyone even my close friends
I don’t have a great sense of humor
I’m uncomfortable speaking with new people
I’m absolutely hopeless at parties
I can’t even write well
I don’t know where my life is heading
I’ve no aim no ambition….

People think am weird because;

Id rather take the stairs than use the elevator even while coming down from the 21st floor

I walk from cuffe parade to churchgate because I love looking at the houses and architecture along the way and the children playing at oval and look at the trees and the gardens along the way.

I love old houses.

I travel by second class compartments while in Bombay but when I’m on a vacation I fly.

I go on long trips/vacations alone.

I love staying alone

I hate chatting with people while am traveling.

I don't like to play antakshari

I stare at people (I think I am observing them)

I love to walk, walk and walk.

I don’t spend money on designer clothes even when I can afford them.

I shed tears even when I watch a sentimental silly ad on TV

I wear an old outdated watch just because it has sentimental value attached.

I don’t have my hair colored/styled in the latest fashion.

I generally have only two pairs of shoes and continue wearing them till they are unusable.
I visit art galleries to see paintings even though I dont understand a thing about art.

I love walking along the lanes and byelanes of Fort.

I don’t butter people even if it’s going to benefit me.

I defend and protect my friends even if I end up fighting with someone.

I can never say no…

I can stare into space lost in my thoughts for hours together.

I can’t mask my feelings…and am very blunt and not at all diplomatic in my conversations.

Hence I've decided that I am both- useless as well as weird.

But when I get a call from a very old acquaintance after 6 years saying that he has traced my no after lots of efforts and had just called to ask how I was, and when out of the blue someone calls me to say that her life has become very complicated and she could not think of anyone except me to speak about it, I think that maybe, just maybe am not all that useless and weird.


Tall Guy May 22, 2008 at 8:52 AM  
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Tall Guy May 22, 2008 at 8:56 AM  

You have penned your thoughts beautifully.

In fact I do a lot of stuff you have up there.